Marjorie Taylor Greene Mocked For Yet Another ‘National Divorce’ Plea

Marjorie Taylor Greene Mocked For Yet Another ‘National Divorce’ Plea

Marjorie Taylor Greene Mocked For Yet Another ‘National Divorce’ Plea

Posted by Postnews001

  1. Is this the same person who was rubbing a cardboard cutouts crotch of Donald Trump. Why is that not disqualified why aren’t people appalled and disgusted by that are we all just addicted to disgusting and inappropriate behavior now, some kind of freak show that we all participate in.

  2. Maga are very angry that this news was posted they want it covered up like it never happened 🙄

  3. While some folks are mentioning that this is from last year and thus “old news”, it is a good reminder of how bat shit crazy this woman and her ilk really are.

    Vote Blue!

  4. Isn’t advocating for secession or the break up of the United States a crime or something… asking for a friend…

  5. Let’s just say “okay.”

    Let’s have a divorce. Give the Deep South and Texas what they have been asking for for the past 40 years.

    See how well they do without subsidies from the states that are actually, ya know, profitable.

  6. Please make it happen. I don’t think there is a single red state that pays in more than their people take from the federal government. Fence them off and set up cameras so we can watch. Maybe some Bluetooth activated flame throwers so we can participate interactively.

  7. I mean she is a turd, but why are we against this again?

    We can’t even discuss serious issues as a society because of the perpetual nonsense culture war and freedumb crowd – even during the pandemic these mouthbreathers were spouting conspiracy theories rather than looking for rational informed solutions. It’s a pretty dysfunctional marriage.

    We would still have our own pockets of gullible but the problem would be much more tractable.

  8. Our forefathers fought to keep this union together through much tougher differences. This is why who we vote for matters.

  9. What can be done about these tyrants? Like, honestly. The tea party has quietly inserted themselves and are loudly espousing tyranny. Tired of it. What can be done?

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