Sons of elites safe while ordinary Russians face frontlines

Sons of elites safe while ordinary Russians face frontlines

by Reprexain

  1. What does this mean? There is no conscription in Russia as contracts fill up manpower needs. Usually it’s poor people from poor areas who are attracted by the relatively higher income promised by the RU MoD. Anyway, no one is sending anyone anywhere so maybe people could benefit from not being disinformed, no matter how attractive the prospect would be

  2. Off topic but kind of related. I have always had immense respect for John Walton, son of Sam Walton (Wal Mart).

    Dude was born uber rich but volunteer for Vietnam, became a Green Beret medic, then served in arguably the most hardcore unit in history (MACV-SOG). Sadly died in a private plane crash years later but still.

    During my time in the Army I saw quite a few wealthy types serving, especially former pro athletes.

    You never see that shit in Russia.

  3. Isn’t this kinda the pot calling the kettle black? Are the folks getting abducted in the streets by TCC officers ukraines fortunate sons?

  4. It ain’t me, it ain’t me
    I ain’t no senator’s son, son
    It ain’t me, it ain’t me
    I ain’t no fortunate one, no

  5. 1. Thats the case everywhere in the world.
    2. Rusia doesn’t have forced mobilization or conscription so I don’t get the post. Ordinary russians choose to be in the frontline.

  6. If Russia were in a position where the sons of elites had to join the military, the war would be over within a minute. White flags would be flying up immediately.

  7. They send our daughters and our sons
    To deserts under burning suns
    A sacrificial slaughter to fill
    The pockets of the weak

    -Rise Against, Survivor’s Guilt

  8. That this is how cookie will crumble was crystal clear to anyone, even for vast majority of Russians themselves. Not sure why it is such an unexpected thing for some

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