Putin will be pleased: Wagenknecht has a poisoned Ukraine ‘peace plan’

Putin will be pleased: Wagenknecht has a poisoned Ukraine ‘peace plan’


by GirasoleDE

  1. >Sahra Wagenknecht (55, BSW) keeps saying that the war in Ukraine can only be ended at the negotiating table and not with weapons – while Russia’s army continues to shell Ukrainian cities. Now the ex-leftist with clear Kremlin sympathies is presenting her own peace plan – and it is likely to fall on receptive ears, especially in Moscow.
    >In an interview with the [‘Tagesspiegel’ newspaper](https://www.tagesspiegel.de/politik/sahra-wagenknecht-im-gesprach-die-ukraine-muss-bereit-sein-zu-verhandeln-12367223.html) [paywall], the BSW leader now proposes offering Kremlin ruler Vladimir Putin (71) ‘a stop to arms deliveries’ if he ‘agrees to an immediate ceasefire on the current front line’.
    >In other words: Putin is to be rewarded with all the territories currently conquered if he agrees to stop trying to conquer further territories now. A poisoned plan.
    >Only then, in Wagenknecht’s view, should negotiations begin – on territories that Russia has occupied. In Wagenknecht’s words: ‘And then we would have to negotiate what happens in the areas where the Russians are currently located.’
    >The peace plan goes even further: Wagenknecht believes it is right to ‘ask the people in Donbass and Crimea in a referendum under UN supervision which country they want to belong to’.
    >Both areas were annexed by Russia in 2014 and 2022 in violation of international law – following heavily manipulated sham referendums. Since then, hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians have fled or been expelled from there, while Russia has been settling its own citizens there for years. A halfway fair referendum is therefore no longer possible. Incidentally, the inhabitants of Crimea and Donbass already voted in 1991 – with a clear majority in favour of Ukraine.
    >Wagenknecht also calls for Ukraine to be ‘willing to compromise’: ‘It must be prepared to negotiate and compromise, especially with regard to its goal of NATO membership.’
    >Strikingly, Wagenknecht leaves open the question of whether Russia should also make concessions.
    >These pro-Kremlin narratives are one reason why Brandenburg’s Minister President Dietmar Woidke (62, SPD) recently ruled out coalition negotiations with Wagenknecht’s party. ‘Ukraine is also about us,’ Woidke told the [Tagesspiegel newspaper](https://www.tagesspiegel.de/politik/ministerprasident-woidke-im-interview-hier-steht-eine-schicksalswahl-an-12315479.html) [paywall]. ‘If we stop our support and Putin subjugates the country, there will be a huge wave of refugees. Europe would not be any safer.’

    *Translated with DeepL.com (free version)*

  2. Sad reality, Wagenknecht is a Russian Assets, activated by Russia after their old primary Asset in the German Goverment, Chancelor Angela Merkel retired.

    We Germans already have to deal with enough Guilt because of WW2, but now these new Russian Assets just keep coming and add more Guilt to our Plate.

  3. Maybe I should go and live in her house and then offer that she can stay in the shed. Maybe I’ll offer her the right to use the bathroom if she wants to negotiate.

  4. Some members of the afd an wagenknecht party were literally proven to work for the chinese and russian governments.

    These parties are traitors of germany, Europe and demogracy as a whole. And 40% of east germans voted for them….

  5. We have a name for animals like her, a dirty bitch (bitch is a female dog in my country)

  6. Hey Wagenknecht! I have an even better plan! It’s called “Russia GTFO Ukraine”.

    Its very simple and can be implemented immediately.

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