Cows on farms supplying M&S and Muller kicked, punched, hit with chains and sworn at in shocking footage | The Independent

Cows on farms supplying M&S and Muller kicked, punched, hit with chains and sworn at in shocking footage | The Independent

by Gerstlauer

  1. One of these things is not like the other…

    I’m not entirely sure that cows understand swearing.

  2. Seventy years ago providing society with cheap agricultural staples like milk was seen as key for the government in preventing many of the issues faced like malnourishment & starvation. These days the world has changed and cheap milk & meat have become a major cause of obesity & ill-health.

  3. ugh I hate this kind of thing, cows are sensitive animals, I’ve been teetering on the edge of vegetarianism too long I think. What kind of person can hit an animal like this?

  4. I don’t see why this surprises or shocks people, the only reason it seems “rare” is because occasionally someone sneaks a camera in, the people being filmed aren’t aware, then that person leaks the footage or sends it to someone. All of those three things need to happen for it to be made public.

    Stuff like this is fairly commonplace, and arguably by no means the worst thing to happen in the slaughter house – the actual process is fairly grisly.

    I don’t see why anyone who cares about this isn’t a vegan.

  5. No coincidence this has come after that M&S “pigloo” advert.

    Just shows they’re as decrepit as the rest of them

  6. Industry built upon animal cruelty is found to be cruel to animals.

    Next up: Pope suspected of being Catholic and bears thought to be behind shit in woods.

  7. The wicked campaign of psychological onslaught reached a sick new peak yesterday when whoever it is sprayed its hide with a new word : “F**NUT” and compounded the insult with another word that said “A*** CANDLE”

  8. It does break my heart seeing stuff like this. Wtf is wrong with these people? Just because these animals are being sent to slaughter doesn’t give carte blanche to torment and torture them ffs.

    I suppose it’s a sad fact that most well adjusted people are naturally put off work that involves animal slaughter and thus is left to the more maladjusted people out there.

    No offense to the decent lot who work this industry of course.

  9. Nothing will change so as long as the consumer does not change. You act like they’re the ones committing the crimes, yet you’re funding their crimes. Go vegan. r/veganuk – an awesome resource.

  10. The meat industry is fucked and in many ways the dairy industry is even worse. I am Jack’s complete lack of surprise.

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