[OC] Human Development Index vs Total Fertility Rate

[OC] Human Development Index vs Total Fertility Rate

Posted by n0tpc

  1. Interesting graph but honestly this is one of those where the outliers themselves would be interesting so its unfortunate there’s no way to drill down.

  2. I really wish people would internalize this. All Nordic countries with their amazing welfare states and time off and parental leave and everything are right there with the United States and other less generous countries as well.

    People aren’t having fewer babies due to debt and prices and parental leave (those things might help a bit, but they won’t get you more than .1 or .2 increase in birth rate).

    I’m not saying we shouldn’t do those things, but birthrates aren’t the reason to do them.

  3. But Reddit told me that people aren’t having kids anymore because of the very specific and unique policies and leadership of our government

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