JD Vance admits he “has to create fake stories so the media talks about the real problems America is facing”

JD Vance admits he “has to create fake stories so the media talks about the real problems America is facing”

Posted by jesus_smoked_weed

  1. the worst problem facing america is that this election is at all close and that the republican enablers in congress have not been sent home as well.

  2. OMG he admitted they make stuff up!!
    Theyre doing it as a tactic!
    Its not TRUTH. Its manipulation! Why would we trust them w the country?

  3. So, he needs to lie to be seen… That’s not how it works..now, he’s just a lying couch banger.

  4. They wouldn’t have to make up stories if they were just consistently respectable and credible and reliable.

  5. Or talk about the actual problems people are facing yourself! What a doofus this guy is! He’s hot dog water come to life!

  6. This is insane. There has been a spate of violent threats, including at schools here in Texas, because of what Vance now admits is a false story he made up. There should be legal consequences and financial restitution made.

  7. People in the future will have a terribly hard time reading about this era of politics and believing it was true with MAGA morons spouting at the mouth.

  8. God I love how they can’t pretend the pet-eating is real now, so they’ve pivoted to saying Trump was only saying that to bring attention to the migrant crisis there.

    Sooo… blatant lying is okay if it makes people pay attention to something. In that case, Vance is a couch-fucking dog-eating serial killer, and Trump is actually a lizard person from the earth’s core who was sent to destabilize the US government in order to allow the -DEEPER- state to take over and usher in a new age of Lizarddom.

  9. So he created a fake story of Haitians eating cats to get Americans to focus on the real problems of Haitians eating cats that he made up to make people believe Haitians were eating cats when in reality, Haitians don’t eat peoples cats.

    Sure. Clear as day. Makes sense to me

  10. What JD is doing is a pogrom.

    Definition:  a mob attack, either approved or condoned by authorities, against the persons and property of a religious, racial, or national minority. The term is usually applied to attacks on Jews in the Russian Empire in the late 19th and early 20th centuries.

    They are doing one of two things. Getting to bait govt or news to call for charges or ‘banning free speech’ or just using racism to get votes

  11. His pushing these lies led to bomb threats and schools being closed, shouldn’t he face some real consequences or are those for non rich and non politicians only?

  12. So is he saying the “problem” is that people are eating pets so he made up that it’s Hatian immigrants who are doing to or is it that immigrants are the problem so he made up that they’re eating pets to draw attention to the issue? I’m pretty sure people are already paying attention to immigration. You don’t need to invent that they eat pets to make it an issue. Dumbass.

    I swear their argument falls apart under the tiniest but of scrutiny.

  13. Same old shit with republicans. They create a “scary” new narrative about something (the border “invasion,” immigrants eating cats, transgender people attacking women in bathrooms, etc) so that it can give the illusion that they’re running in more than just tax cuts for the rich. They offer nothing to better society for the 99.9%.

  14. MAGA in a nutshell.

    FQX settling with Dominion for $787 million dollars after spreading “stop the steal” lies.

    DumbOld Sr posting fake Taylor Swift endorsements.

    JD Vance admitting he’s making up garbage stories.

    Yet the GQP sheep will vote for these tools.

  15. As dumb and slow his base is they are brainwashed into this. It’s people like trump and Fox that are the true evils because they fully know they are lying to their own citizens.

    From this point on, every single host should ask . Is this is a made up story or not? Even if they deny it, it keeps reminding people watching that these people lie and they know it.

  16. *in Jerry Seinfeld voice*

    create………………fake stories………………to help real problems………………


  17. Someone tell Vance he could, you know, talk about those real problems and he’s solutions to solve—hahahahahahhahaha, I’m sorry, I couldn’t make it through that without laughing. Republicans solving problems? What a novel idea

  18. As usual, Vance is sooo close to telling the ugly truth of his party. They make up crazy stories so that the American people *don’t* talk about the real problems America is facing: Republicans.

    Would Trump need to make up lies about post-birth abortions if Republicans had any sort of decent policy about it?

    Would Trump need to make up crazy lies about immigrants eating pets if Republicans weren’t distracting from their truly horrific immigration policy plans?

    Would he need to lie about the state of our country now if he didn’t leave office last time with Americans struggling to even find toilet paper?

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