“Loneliness is everything it’s cracked up to be.”

TL;DR: don’t stay lonely, find yourself someone nice before you go mad.

I went over to Blackheath common earlier and as I laid in the grass, drinking from a small bottle of M&S Chablis, I was reminded of a quote (see title) from an old tv show and I realised that this was happening to me right now. We don’t see eye to eye in the streets that much. I’m 36, male and never been with anyone. It’s harrowing that I spent all my life trying to build a career but left my heart out in the dark.

I am positive that in about 4-5 years, I will go mad and lose all sense of belonging. I urge you to do something about it and save yourselves from this ghastly curse.

P.S. as a tourist I must say, I love your spectacularly beautiful but ridiculously expensive city.

by downey01

  1. 36! You’re a baby still – go find people you like and get a bigger bottle of Chablis to share 🙂

  2. Life is what you make of it my friend. You are the only one who can change what’s holding you back and making you feel lonely. It just takes effort. Try and make a new start in the morning. Good luck😊

  3. As a 38 Yr old male Londoner who has never found someone and is currently adrift in life for different reasons but in a similar spot to you, I simultaneously love doing my own thing but also feel the bite and emptiness of loneliness and desperately want to blow it away too.

    I just feel so out of place with almost everyone and everything. Any kind of interaction I find nerve-wracking and other, until I’ve spent a few hours doing it and then I suddenly crave more – like riding a roller coaster

    I wish you the best. I hope loneliness is one day a thing of the past for all of us, if that is possible

  4. 41 and too familiar with the lows that dominate life and make the highs seem impossible.

    If you keep going and each day appreciate what is around you and what you have, whatever that may be, and seek each day to improve yourself and what’s around you just a little, time will take care of you. I promise you’re not alone.

  5. Sometimes it takes time to find that belonging or find your tribe or someone to be in love with etc. I’m 38 hand still feels like I don’t belong anywhere, maybe I won’t ever find it and maybe I will. You just have to go out there, like others have said.

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