Did Laura Loomer Just ‘Blow’ Her Chance at Being Trump’s Top Advisor? Her Bragging May Prove That Loose Lips Sink Ships

Did Laura Loomer Just ‘Blow’ Her Chance at Being Trump’s Top Advisor? Her Bragging May Prove That Loose Lips Sink Ships


Posted by nikkisixxi

  1. the problem is social media figured out she is the next trump first lady before the campaign’s finished its statement and marketing

  2. Laura is just another hanger-on who’s attached her stuffed lips to Trump’s doughy ass. She’s only doing it for the anticipation of a payday.

  3. Laura Loomer making the most vile racist remarks about Indians while Vance’s wife is one. Trump having Laura Loomer on his private jet and now rumors of an affair. He defended her in the press. JD Vance is truly a spineless vile coward. If I was his wife, I’d be divorcing him.

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