Never forget what they took away from us brothers

Never forget what they took away from us brothers

by loco_chemist

  1. Beefing up the borders because Germany is ‘full’ of migrants.

    All you need now is a Austrian Artist to come forward who speaks of solutions and living space in the East.

    It’s like a once century prophecy foretold.

  2. Europe 2024: Symbolic policies that will not fix the problem and instead do more harm than good, just to appease the far-right.

  3. The world truly is regressing. I do wonder if micro plastics will prove to be next thing that influence our decision-making process, like lead once did. We are not moving forward, instead everyone is isolating and putting themselves first. The biggest fiction of science fiction is humanity getting along, because that ain’t fucking happening.

  4. All because of some stupid morons who have never seen a brown person believe that Europe is 50% ISIS fighters or some bs

  5. Literaly havent gotten checked passing trough 2 borders, they have police yes, but they dont check all cars, especcialy their own

  6. Not a European but I was planning on a long trip across Europe for next year, and this is the first time I’m hearing about this. Is this supposed to be temporary, or the beginning of a complete overhaul of the Schengen area?

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