Why would a driver not open their doors then proceed to drive off…

I was stood at the bus stop, Oyster card in hand, having hailed the bus. It stops… the driver looks me dead in the eye then proceeds to drive off. I’m perplexed…

Decided to snap a photo and send a complaint.

Has anyone ever experienced an occurrence like this?

Considering this occured on a Sunday night nearing the end of bus services I would be extremely concerned… imagine I was a lone female or young adult or worse a child.

by Deeprivedd

  1. Might be that he’s ready for ragging the job in,That balance of hassle & job satisfaction could have tipped the drivers scales but there will be drivers queueing up if that’s the case.Sorry that you missed your journey.

  2. I think they just want to get of their shift early so try and complete the route as quickly as possible. It’s happened a few times to myself and people I know and it’s always in the evenings.

    Report it asap with the precise time, location and bus number so that they can trace the driver.

  3. Yeah, this has happens every now and again. Either they don’t like the look of you, or they’re just an asshole and don’t give a shit. Did the complaint form actually work for you? I tried to use it a couple of months back but the form was broken.

  4. Typical 403 error!

    Bus understood the request but refused to process it

    All normal here!

    Just don’t try waiting for the 404 route!

  5. Is this a rare occurrence for people? I’ve never known why but its happened to me so many times in my life even since childhood… im def not threatening, I;m an Indian lady lol.

  6. Ahh when I was younger I’d sprint my socks off to the next stop , so when I get on I literally smash the drivers window … then get off go around to the drivers windrow which most cases would be open and then boom 💥…. Like I said it was when I was a much younger Hoodlum….

    If you think bus drivers are bad now you should’ve seen them in 2005-9 central London… they were really really bad

  7. I don’t want to be THAT guy…but I take this bus all the time and if you got a photo that close near the roundabout, you were not at the bus stop. I may be way off base and am willing to be corrected but I ride the 403, know exactly where the stop is and a photo that close to the bus and roundabout…you just missed the bus.

    EDIT: brevity

  8. Were you at the right stop?
    Done that more than once, only realising after the fact that the right stop is the other one nearby.

  9. This exact thing happened to me once the bus driver could see me running (he was looking directly at me) and waited till I was just at the bus before suddenly closing the door and driving off

  10. Has happened to me too many times to count over my lifetime growing up and living in London.

    Sometimes they’re just in a certain mood BUT especially at night if you don’t stick your hand out and maintain eye contact, they WILL drive off.

    One time a night bus driver shut the lights and drove off with about 6 of us strangers on the bus and then realised about 3 minutes that we were all still on and proceeded to shout at us and kick us out at a random stop in Brixton🤣 it was so bizarre especially since I’d gotten off a late shift and was half asleep

    Sorry that happened OP. Happens to us all. Do your best to not take it personally, although I fully get how annoying it is especially if it’s on a Sunday ugh. Moan about it with your family or friends (or on Reddit like you’re doing now lol) and then just forget it if you can. Otherwise, the incidents will only pile up in your mind like unwashed laundry

    Good on you for complaining!

    Have a good night 😃

  11. Had a similar thing happen to me, except the bus stopped at the station to let people off, he just didn’t let any of us on. It was very weird because there were people in the bus. And none of us looked dodgy.

  12. Sometimes a bus driver just doesn’t like the look of you. I would imagine he regrets nowt considering you’ve had a paddy on Reddit about it. You’re not a woman or a child either so hypothesis is irrelevant.

  13. Do you look like Keir Starlin Starmer? Otherwise i’m not sure why someone would do that to someone.

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