The Russian Kursk nuclear power plant (NPP) as it was seen from the lens of Ukrainian reconnaissance UAV.

by _Tegan_Quin

  1. If UAF can get in and control the output of power what are the Russians gonna do..bomb them?

    Genuinely asking

  2. I think they should give ruSSia an untimatum to shut it down before the cooling towers are destroyed.

    It’s fair. Ukrainians got their energy generation decimated, moscow‘s can’t be untouchable.

    Also, shutting this down would really paralyse heavy industry in the region. However you see it, it’s a valid target. Just avoid making it a dirty bomb.

  3. So, in case people don’t understand why this image is being used. The word is that Russia plans to test one of their nukes. Ukraine countered with just this image. Not because a UAV is going to do much but because it’s a reminder to Russia that if they use nukes, Ukraine is within striking distance of a vast number of nuclear energy facilities and bomb storage facilities.

  4. Fun fact: the Kursk I NPP (barely visible in this image) was built using many of the same blueprints and is nearly identical to reactors 3 & 4 of the Chernobyl NPP, down to the iconic red and white ventilation stack.

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