Zelensky says Putin is afraid of the Russian people

Zelensky says Putin is afraid of the Russian people

by dect60

  1. Putin’s afraid of his own shadow and mortality.

    Lacking measured, rational control over reality and himself, Putin is more beast than man. Such undignified creatures should not lead nations, let alone a garbage detail.

  2. Of course he is otherwise he wouldn’t stage manage his meet and greets. Putin is scared of a lot of things and this started not long after covid. The man literally sees conspiracies and threats everywhere.

  3. He’s a scared little fragile man, pretending to be a tough leader. He will go into history as the biggest loser of his time.

  4. Have you seen pics of those people? I would be afraid too. They look like they crawled out of holes from underground.

  5. I’m curious what will realistically happen to Putin should he lose this war. Any more informed political historians have input? Should he be afraid?

  6. Of course. If you sent 150000 to invade Ukraine in early 2022, but a month earlier you first double the salary of your 200000+ riot police, then you do not fear Ukrainians as much as you fear your own . . . humans held captive in your empire.

  7. All dictators are terrified of their own people.

    Why Putin reportedly watched footage of Gaddafi’s death at the hands of the mob over and over again

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