Qatar Swaps 12 PzH 2000 for German RCH 155, Ukraine to Receive SPGs

Qatar Swaps 12 PzH 2000 for German RCH 155, Ukraine to Receive SPGs

by Mil_in_ua

  1. “Ukraine’s partner countries have repeatedly used and continue to use similar arms exchange schemes to quickly meet the needs of the Ukrainian Defense Forces.“

    And yet Qatar gets them first, and this is after announcing that Ukraine is to test German artillery state of the art RCH 155 on the battlefield first, delivery in the next year, and also after the acknowledgment of PzH’s wearing down quicker than expected due to the intensity of fighting. Meet the needs flawlessly!

  2. One benefit of Iran arming Russia is all the countries in the Middle East that hate Iran should be happy to contribute to Ukraine.

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