Raging Trump Goes on ALL-CAPS Late Night/Early Morning Posting Spree That PROVES His Dementia is Worsening, ‘I HATE TAYLOR SWIFT!’

Raging Trump Goes on ALL-CAPS Late Night/Early Morning Posting Spree That PROVES His Dementia is Worsening, ‘I HATE TAYLOR SWIFT!’


Posted by nikkisixxi

  1. Earlier he was happy when he got fooled by AI into believing that Swift supports him. Clearly he’s not mentally fit to he president.

  2. “The United States Postal Service has admitted that it is a poorly run mess that is experiencing mail loss and delays at a level never seen before. With this being the FACT, how can we possibly be expected to allow or trust the U.S. Postal Service to run the 2024 Presidential Election? It is not possible for them to do so. HELP!”

    – not mentioning his donor Louis DeJoy who he hired as Postmaster General (who has major conflict of interest) who is responsible for the poorly run mess that is the post office currently

  3. And some poeple mistakenly think Trump is a ‘strong person.’ He is a weak losing Snowflake.

  4. The Psychology of Trump

    A malignant narcissism rages at the core of Trump’s personality. Cast out of global politics for his overmastering pride, Trump wants to be a god, resents the fact that he is not a god and insists that his supreme worth entitles him to privileges that nobody else should enjoy while undergirding his reign as sovereign of the Republican party. Wholly self-centered, cruel, vindictive and devoid of compassion and empathy, Trump nonetheless possesses substantial charisma and charm. Completely contractual in his approach to interpersonal relationships, he has perfected the art of the deal.

    Situated in a middle ground between absolute power and his constituents, Trump is a liminal figure. He is like a person but not quite a person. For one, he is gifted with superhuman powers of the sort, that children have always imagined they might possess in the furthest reaches of their wish-fulfilling fantasies. But he does not possess certain qualities that adults especially value and recognize as part of the human condition. He lacks wisdom, for example, and love. He is not troubled by a complex inner life, by the doubts, ambivalences and moral quandaries that routinely run through the consciousness of mature humans. He is instead like the modern conception of a superhero. Trump is one-dimensional and mythic, an idealized personification, rather than a fully articulated person.

  5. Dems should make ads with this stuff to play closer to election so people don’t forget how he targets fellow people with hatred, literally hatred at her in all caps, a former president doing this, like he did to Ruby and Shaye in GA, this is what deplorable people do and it’s wrong.

  6. The next journalist who gets a chance needs to ask him why he lied about having her endorsement if he hates her.

  7. He’s a spoiled, petulant, self-obsessed little babyman.

    And he’s still ahead in the swing states?!? Just what the fuck, America.

  8. Of course Trump HATES Taylor Swift. She is a billion times more successful than he will ever be. She is a billion times more liked than he will ever be. She attracts larger crowds than he ever will.

  9. Considering how Trump goes about inciting violence, would it be considered a presidential act if Biden were to order Trump’s entire Secret Service detail to be reassigned to protect Taylor?

  10. Every day brings him deeper into the realm of dementia. Giving this derelict shell of a human being the nuclear code would bring death and destruction on a new level.

  11. Hahaha! Trump is being systematically destroyed by strong, independent women. This is the funniest thing on television at the moment by a long shot.

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