I’m not a serial killer, honestly!

I just recently bought a 3d resin printer.

by Kitchen_Part_882

  1. Ah, I was about to ask if you worked at an animal rescue, that looks like our shelters purchase history lol

    On a side note, there are way cheaper places to get nitrile gloves if you need them in bulk.

  2. Well you need to add a bag of quicklime, rope, and a shovel. I assume you are printing the murder weapon?

  3. I tried to buy a lot of bleach from Poundland a couple of years ago, when I got to the till the lady asked why would I need so many bottles and I said to clean up after all the dead bodies.

    She refused to serve me.

  4. Why would a serial killer need isopropanol? You need bleach or peroxide to get rid of stains, and these are disinfectants so you don’t need anything else…

    I’ve read in some crime novel that amateur killers are most often caught based on evidence of them buying a lot of cleaning products at once. I have no idea if it’s accurate, but it sounds reasonable.

  5. You might not be a serial killer but you could at least give someone a decent tattoo with that.

  6. I freaking KNEW this was for Resin printing. Came here to say if you get into 3D printing you will look like you’re killing people or cooking meth.

  7. Amazon must think I’m a criminal with the stuff I buy, for example my last purchase is a balaclava

  8. I bought a pair of tights, a kitchen knife and a roll of duct tape from a supermarket. Funny looks. Car fan belt snapped. Temporary fix went well.

  9. Good idea buying the lime tarp and shovel separately, you don’t want to attract too much attention.

  10. That’s a triple threat honestly.

    Could be a murderer, 3d printing enthusiast, or recreational fister.

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