Trudeau sagt, die Ukraine könne mit NATO-Waffen tief in Russland vordringen, Putin deutet Krieg an

Trudeau sagt, die Ukraine könne mit NATO-Waffen tief in Russland vordringen, Putin deutet Krieg an

  1. Russia can’t even push out Ukraine, a country they’ve been shelling and bombing and murdering civilians in for two years, from their own land. What makes them think they’re even close to ready for a fight with the entirety of NATO?

    Yes. They have nukes. I fully expect, as always happens, that the hand wringing and cowardly people will come out to say that Putin needs to be appeased because he could destroy the world. Putin will always have that threat. Should we simply give him the world because he could destroy it? Is that the sort of politics we want to encourage? Should the U.S invade Mexico because we could nuke anyone who wants to help them?

    No. The time to stop holding Ukraine to a higher standard in defending themselves than the monsters killing innocent women and children is now.

  2. >*”Canada fully supports Ukraine using long-range weaponry [ … ]”*

    Trudeau needs to know his place.

  3. Days since Putin threatens global war – 0

    We’re never gonna get our bonuses with this jackass fucking up our metrics

  4. If Putin commits to a war against NATO he will probably lose Ukraine and Kaliningrad. He knows this. Belarus will throw up its hands and declare neutrality.

  5. War? lilPutin can’t win with Ukraine so he looks to have his ass whooped by somebody bigger. NATO wouldn’t be like fighting with somebody using old Soviet weapons or old NaTO weapons. It would be cutting edge armament blowing up kacaps

  6. Trudeau will be gone soon and replaced with our very own Trump wannabe (Pierre Poilievre aka Pierre Poutine). He’s probably going to kiss Putin’s ass like his hero.

  7. This is meaningless stunt by Trudeau, he is in no position to dictate NATO policy and Canada provided literally zero precision or long-range weapons to Ukraine. He’s grandstanding from a position of having no responsibility for the diplomatic fall out.

    This reminds me of Trudeau chiming in to the international hysteria about the infamous “Muslim ban” in the US (which it wasn’t). He went on social media and bragged about how open and welcoming Canada is and that all are welcome there. Then like a few thousand people seeking asylum in the US crossed into Canada illegally and Canada had a complete meltdown and then Trudeau quietly deported everyone that arrived.

    This dude is an absolute joke.

  8. How I love the fact Putin ignore his past actions pretty much make him the root cause of conflicts that surround Russia before and now.

    And here, Putin hints at war? Dreaming just like Hitler which I like to compare him often.

  9. There’s already a war going on and whatever bad things happen to Russia, they brought it on themselves.

  10. Real talk, I think full scale war with Russia is starting to look inevitable at this point, regardless of the appeasing the west has done these past few years.

  11. Putin doesn’t want NATO smoke. This “war” would have ended two months in if the block had been involved. Fuck this guy…and Ruzzia

  12. Might as well get it over with. Putin started this mess & it’s up to him to end it. At least give it a try.

  13. Probably a good time to mention that North Korea and Iran have been sending missles to Russia but that’s not considered war to putin

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