Backed By Tanks And Covered By Glide-Bombing Fighter Jets, Ukrainian Troops Have Advanced Into Russia Along A New Axis

Backed By Tanks And Covered By Glide-Bombing Fighter Jets, Ukrainian Troops Have Advanced Into Russia Along A New Axis

by Capable_Ad_2365

  1. On Thursday, Ukrainian combat engineers breached Russian defenses along the border near the village of Novyi Put, around 20 miles west of the 400-square-mile Ukrainian salient in Russia’s Kursk Oblast.

    What at first appeared to be a brief and shallow Ukrainian assault in fact developed into something far more dangerous to Russian control over Kursk. Ukrainian armored trucks swiftly advanced several miles past Novyi Put toward the nearest town, Vesoloe. Now the Ukrainian force “has reached the southern outskirts of Vesoloe and has practically taken control of it,” the Ukrainian Center for Defense Strategies reported.

    No later than Saturday, Ukrainian tanks rolled into Vesoloe. And on Sunday, a Ukrainian air force fighter-bomber lobbed a satellite-guided glide bomb—reportedly a U.S.-made Joint Direct Attack Munition—at a purported Russian position in a building in central Vesoloe, flattening the building while a drone from the Ukrainian Khorne Group watched from overhead. “We are observing all of you,” the group quipped on social media.

    The Russian garrison around Vesoloe reportedly includes a large number of poorly-trained young conscripts, who were drafted for just a year of military service and, according to Kremlin policy, aren’t supposed to see combat.

    The Russian northern grouping of forces’ heavy reliance on conscripts for the initial defense against the main Ukrainian thrust in Kursk starting in August is one reason the Ukrainians managed to advance so quickly along that axis. It’s an ominous sign for the Russians that their defensive efforts in Vesoloe apparently also depend on unprepared young men in their teens and early 20s.

    If the Russians react to the Ukrainian attack on Vesoloe last week the same way they reacted to the wider Ukrainian invasion of Kursk last month, they may eventually redeploy some better-trained airborne forces to blunt the Ukrainian advance. The Khorne Group shrugged off this possibility. “Bring us more conscripts and paratroopers,” it taunted.

    Aside from the Khorne Group, it’s unclear which Ukrainian units are involved in the fight for Vesoloe. It’s worth noting, however, that the Khorne Group’s videos of the Thursday breach seem to depict Turkish-made Kirpi armored trucks, which are popular with the Ukrainian marine corps. The 36th Marine Brigade is part of the main fight farther east in Kursk, so it’s possible the brigade is also behind the Vesoloe incursion.

    Whichever brigade or brigades they’re facing in Vesoloe, the Russians are worried. Their local garrison reportedly includes a lot of young conscripts. By contrast, the invading Ukrainians appear to be battle-hardened volunteers backed by tanks, drones and warplanes. “Our contacts assess the situation as serious,” one Russian blogger noted.

  2. Incredible! May they keep the momentum, destabilize the military and reach arms caches and air support and destroy them.

  3. Day 935 of three day operation.

    Russian plan seems to be to lure Ukrainian armed forces into decisive encirclement battle outside moscow.

    Putin remains master strategist.

  4. I am actually shocked by the lack of serious, overwhelming response by the RA to these incursions. I guess I’m expecting to see SU-25 and KA-52’s overhead, making at least a noisy show of trying to repel the UA, and heavy troop movements into the area by the orcs. Instead, all I see is weak attempts to build bridge crossings by three guys, a backhoe and a dump truck. I know there is heavy fighting going on but it looks like the UA is able to maintain supply lines, deploy fpv and drone drops a will, and seemingly ass r*pe the area at their pleasure. Was expecting maybe a week of incursion before a tactical retreat, but this is some serious occupation now. And the fact the locals seem ok with it is telling…

  5. 20 miles west of the Kursk breech? Sounds like they should be able to secure that 20mile gap fairly easily. Slava Ukraini!

  6. Russia began this invasion with the rather childish delusion that it would be attacking Ukraine and wouldn’t be attacked in return.

  7. Seriously [x] on the fighter jet thing. Way, way more likely this was a Bohdana firing an excalibur, likely laser guided onto the structure by one of the drones in the area. Much better risk/reward scenario imo.

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