Zwei russische Soldaten prophezeien ihren eigenen Tod nach Streit mit befehlshabendem Offizier

Zwei russische Soldaten prophezeien ihren eigenen Tod nach Streit mit befehlshabendem Offizier

  1. Because they didn’t get their money the easy way? They attacked a village, fuck them, fight by the sword and die by the sword

  2. Predict? Not exactly savant level assesment. 2 mildly smart Russians realize they are dead after speaking out thinking they are something other than meat

  3. They seem like nice guys I might drink a beer with. I’m happy they’re dead though.GTF out of Ukraine.

  4. Even if they had shut up and did as ordered they still would have been sent on the suicide mission. 

  5. Figure it out Russians: one man started this war, take him out and everyone gets to go home.

  6. Also, they said commanders are falsely reporting back success regarding taking objectives and actively sabotaging units what monitor enemy activities.

    Not good for high command and their decision making, if they are acting on / receiving false information directly from their unit commanders ….

    Leads to more failures and nasty surprises. Good command and control requires fast and accurate information.

  7. I’m surprised more Russian soldiers aren’t fragging their commanders at this rate, especially when you know that they are about to kill you. Like why wait?

  8. Why follow orders into what you know is going to be a suicide mission? Why not turn on your commanders at that point?

  9. So…

    “His comments were made in the farewell footage that first appeared on Friday. He is said to have then gone missing during an attack on the village of Lysivka, near one of the most active parts of the eastern front line.

    “Please, don’t serve in the ministry of defence… Your task is to die here so that the regiment commander, reporting to higher-ups, looks good. You are his personal serfs.”

    The soldiers also accused their commander of dealing in drugs, faking battlefield successes, disbanding a high-performing drone unit out of spite and feeding information to a Ukrainian military intelligence spy network.

    The video, widely circulated on the Telegram social messaging app, has angered the Russian defence ministry, which is trying to boost army recruitment.

    Click here to view this content.

    In response, Andrei Belousov, the Russian defence minister, ordered General Valery Gerasimov, the head of the Russian military, to personally investigate the video and the death of the two soldiers.

    Z-bloggers, Russian pro-war social media influencers, have also used the death of the two soldiers to criticise the Russian ministry of defence.

    Warrior Kitten, which has around 408,000 subscribers, said that the two men were veteran soldiers who had been ordered to their deaths by “traitors and swindlers”.

    “This is how our competent and compassionate army sends people to slaughter,” the blogger said.

    “The men knew and felt that they were going to die, and in this address, they reported on the facts of their internal betrayal.'”

    Wild. I didn’t know Russia was so weak.

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