A russian invader filmed shortly after he shot himself. [Graphic]

A russian invader filmed shortly after he shot himself. [Graphic]

by AgreeableFreedom6203

  1. Looks like he was still breathing.. what a horrible way to die. I’m glad I didn’t inavde a neighboring country!

  2. Im gonna go shot myself in a foreign country where everybody hates me and will throw my body into the next hole because i stink of death and shit. That’s a stroke of genius. I can’t believe I didn’t think of that.

  3. #114

    on the list so far. I am compiling this footage for documentation purposes because this is not normal in any way, despite what Russia’s supporters tell you.

    This list is not intended to celebrate, glorify, encourage, or otherwise make light of suicide.

    There are 114 recorded instances of Russian soldiers killing themselves on the battlefield, 21 maybe’s, 4 mercy kills, and 6 after action photos insinuating what happened. We went 0 days since the last confirmed instance.

    The list has gotten too long to be a comment, it was on its third comment due to character caps. The list can now be found at this [wiki link](https://www.reddit.com/r/DroneCombat/s/NMR9QWNw4H).

  4. Look like another one that miskated the angle of the shot. Agony and terribile pain and not blink out death.

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