5 years ago NIMBYs successfully blocked building a reservoir that would protect Kłodzko

5 years ago NIMBYs successfully blocked building a reservoir that would protect Kłodzko


by Puzzled_Bag_8021

  1. As is the case a lot of the time, it is elderly people who oppose these projects because they want to
    “protect the natural environment”*

    *the infrastructure would be an eyesore for them

  2. Well, too late to do anything else about them but to make sure those bums don’t get flood relief afterwards.

  3. And they will most likely get all the money compensation…

    It’s always the same type of people too, same people blocking new bike/bus lanes. Nowadays sayng ‘eat ze bugs, I love my fredom you peasant’. They have thier home, car and do not give a fuck – now are going to demand help.

    We should make sure they are safe, not hungry, warm and sheltered. Nothing else.

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