Paris Olympics 2024

I have always seen the Olympics on media but I have yet to really understand the overview of the event that is why I created my own chart/s using the most recent Olympic event answering my questions like how many participants it consists, when do they play the gold medal events, etc.


P.S. I am an aspiring data analyst and I made this project to be in my portfolio that is why if you can input/critisize this work please do so. Thank you.

Posted by 20thUsahnem

  1. Very busy design, but there are some interesting insights here- esp the # of athletes vs medals. Your last bullet point on p2 is cut-off. Vague commentary in some bullets (“indicating a high level of competition”) doesn’t add much.

  2. I wouldn’t go as far as saying this is beautiful because it is busy, but it would be fun to look at in a smallish poster-sized print because the information is actually understandably displayed.

  3. Hey u/op , u/20thUsahnem , Can you show a Medals per country per capita?

    Clearly, the US, China, etc. won a lot of medals, but they also have a large population…

  4. 11? I thought there was a 16 year old minimum age requirement for the Olympics. What sport had a 11 year old?

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