Can you travel to all of the UNESCO World Heritage List sites in a single year?

Can you travel to all of the UNESCO World Heritage List sites in a single year?

Posted by cpf

  1. That’s the most extreme example of the traveling salesman problem I’ve ever seen. I could’ve saved this guy a lot of time in simply answering: No.

  2. Just because you can be the tourist with the largest footprint, does not mean you should. Also, maybe save some for the rest of your life.

  3. Seems like the author assumes that you can’t sleep, eat, or do other miscellaneous activities while traveling. Given a private jet and sleeping/eating in transport, this is almost certainly doable if someone really wanted to.

  4. Exactly, and some are worth visiting twice, like after you have kids. It’s ok for some to remain unseen. If everyone saw every site, many would probably be ruined.

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