Hunderte demonstrieren in Paris für die Rechte iranischer Frauen

Hunderte demonstrieren in Paris für die Rechte iranischer Frauen

  1. PARIS — 

    Hundreds of people marched through Paris on Sunday in support of women’s rights and the opposition in Iran, two years after the death of Mahsa Amini sparked protests against the country’s religious authorities.

    A 22-year-old Iranian Kurd, Amini died in custody after being arrested for allegedly violating the Islamic Republic’s strict dress code for women.

    The march, organized by around 20 human rights associations, took place as 34 women began a hunger strike in a Tehran prison to mark the two-year anniversary of her death.

    Chirinne Ardakani, a Franco-Iranian lawyer and member of the “Iran Justice” collective, said that the “sacrifices” made by Iranians opposed to the regime were “not in vain”.

    “Everything has changed in Iran,” Ardakani told AFP.

    “We’ve gone from an absolutely patriarchal culture, where there was no question of women being able to reveal themselves in the street, to massive support for these women,” the lawyer and activist added.

  2. I’m currently doing a silent protest in my living room. Let me know where I can go to pick up my activist points

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