Sneaky TIFF Quietly Posts Russians at War Screenings for Tuesday

Sneaky TIFF Quietly Posts Russians at War Screenings for Tuesday

by JLandscaper

  1. The film festival does not represent Canadians. They can fuck off. Sincerely, an embarrassed Canadian.

  2. So the TIFF have heard from those paying their salaries that the film must be shown- or no more rubles. Fuck these spineless shit bags and their mothers, I’m getting tired of these sorts imagining their bank accounts take precedence over even a shred of decency and self respect.

  3. I apologize for this. Sincerely. I hope our efforts to help you all with training, funds, and in some cases fighting outshine this disgusting act. I’m truly embarrassed.

  4. The ones who’ve seen this “film” (if you can even call it that) all unanimously assert that it whitewashes Russia as some kind of victim in a geopolitical chess game. Guess we have to protest even harder and make even more calls if they didn’t understand the first time.

  5. immediately stop funding this organization and get refunded my tax dollars given these perverts applauding the murders of Ukrainian civilians.

  6. It looks like the link between the TIFF and Russians at War is personal. Anita Lee, TIFF’s Chief Programming Officer worked with Cornelia Principe on To Kill a Tiger together where Anita was Executive Producer and Cornelia was a producer. Cornelia is the Producer of Russians at War. I verified this on IMDB. I found the quote below from MooseHead88 in another Reddit post:

    “The buzz word from other high ranking TIFF employees and members is Cornelia has integrity in the industry. To Kill a Tiger was nominated for an Oscar last year for best documentary. Anita isn’t about to publicly tarnish a coworkers film publicly after the work they put in an Oscar nominated documentary film together.”

  7. This part remains the biggest comedy 

    “Trofimova told Metro Morning’s David Common she filmed a Russian battalion over seven months without Moscow’s permission — putting her at risk of criminal prosecution.”   

    Just trundling around Russian troops as a “random” Canadian passport holder. No officer ever raised an eyebrow or ever questioned Yep that random woman is just with us filming everything and she doesn’t have any permissions from higher ups, oh alright then carry on 

  8. 🖕🏿🐽🇷🇺👎🏿🤬🐽🇷🇺🐽🇷🇺🐽👎🏿🐽🇷🇺🖕🏿🇷🇺🐽🇷🇺🖕🏿🇷🇺🖕🏿🇷🇺🖕🏿🇷🇺🖕🏿👎🏿🖕🏿🇷🇺🖕🏿👎🏿🤬🇷🇺👎🏿🇷🇺👎🏿🇷🇺👎🏿🇷🇺👎🏿👎🏿👎🏿👎🏿👎🏿🇷🇺👎🏿🤬👎🏿👎🏿👎🏿🇷🇺🖕🏿🐽🐽🖕🏿🇷🇺👎🏿🤬🇷🇺🖕🏿🐽🐁🐽👎🏿👎🏿🤬🤬👎🏿🇷🇺🖕🏿🐽🐁🐽🖕🏿🇷🇺🇷🇺👎🏿🤬👎🏿🇷🇺🖕🏿🐽🐁🐽🖕🏿🇷🇺👎🏿🤬🤬🇷🇺🖕🏿🐽🐁🐽🇷🇺👎🏿👎🏿🤬👎🏿🇷🇺🖕🏿🐽🐁🐽👎🏿🤬🤬🖕🏿🐽🐽🐁block the ptn fckerz

  9. I’m really surprised that TIFF are willing to damage their brand so much for one small time independent filmmakers little documentary. It’s almost like they are getting a ton of money from “somewhere” to make sure it’s screened.

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