Europe’s far-right parties are anti-worker – the evidence clearly proves it • We analysed the voting patterns of far-right groups on eight issues including pay and tax. Their rhetoric is hollow

Europe’s far-right parties are anti-worker – the evidence clearly proves it • We analysed the voting patterns of far-right groups on eight issues including pay and tax. Their rhetoric is hollow

Posted by Naurgul

  1. I wonder if there should be a drinking game where you take a shot any time somebody analyzes the European far-right while studiously avoiding the topic of immigration.

  2. “Interestingly, southern European far-right parties, such as the Italian Lega (ID), Meloni’s Brothers of Italy and the Greek Solution (ECR), voted most positively on workers’ rights”

    Not true. They voted against the minimum wage, both in Europe and in Italy, widened laws for job precarization, and lowered taxes for high income earners

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