Breton resigns

Breton resigns

by SpaceEngineering

  1. First the continuous courting of Meloni now removing the commissioner who targeted the far-right rat Musk, Von der Leyen is giving a lot of red flags that she wants to go more and more right wing…

  2. The College of Commisioners needs overhaul. Here’s another example of member states seeing portfolios are thier own “a more influential portfolio for France”.

  3. Wondering if he got a posting in the new French gouvernement and made a parting shot or if it’s truly what he wrote

  4. This is very concerning due to Von der Leyen latest stands, apeasing and siding with the far right (and also chat control) which truly leads me to believe that the europe we grew up will become a orwellian hellscape in a few decades if they continue with this for the sake of remaning in power for longer

  5. Politicial and gender jugglery. This is so pathetic. Why the process cannot be transparent if they serve all Europeans?!

  6. In the hierarchy of EU institutions VdL is the equivalent of a prime minister/head of government and the commissioners are like ministers.

    Rebuilding your cabinet for a second term is a common thing to do, so I really don’t get the scandal here.

  7. As a German, I have to add, that von der Leyen is a very questionable figure. She continuously failed in every position and has fallen upwards each time.

    VdL was a bad family minister. For example, she tried to implement censorship in the internet and had to be stopped by the constitutional court. (The justice minister of her own government had to sue her over it.)
    Then, after a scandal the (almost equally incompetent) defense minister had to go and she replaced him. VdL may have been the worst defense minister in the history of Germany after WW2. After this failure she was promoted away to the EU.

    My initial impression was, that she didn’t do as much damage in the EU than she did in Germany, but that might have been a false impression. I wouldn’t be surprised if she caused chaos and dispute in the EU institutions. Von der Leyen should be in no position of power at all.

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