Swiss politician resigns after firing shots at Jesus picture

Swiss politician resigns after firing shots at Jesus picture

by MeCagoEnPeronconga

  1. Quick someone do it with a depiction of Mohammad. Wait even having a depiction gets you murdered let alone shooting at it.

  2. Would she have felt the need to resign if it was picture from Lord of the Rings or some other fantasy novel?.

  3. She is such a muslim that she doesn’t know that Kuran recognizes Jesus as a prophet and is an important figure in Islam.

  4. Maybe I’m just American, but I’m confused..

    Did this lady say something spicy, or did she actually shoot at a picture?

  5. Comes as a refugee.

    Benefits from the country’s opportunities and is treated as an equal to a point that can part of the leadership of a party in the country.

    Insults certain groups and their beliefs in a historically Christian nation.

  6. Article claims she was unaware of the religious connotations of the image… I feel like that’s a lie to save face

  7. Honestly are we still in a period there this really is a problem? Why do faith have so much protection? Is it a hatecrime?

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