Trump funnelled money from donors into private business after election loss, report finds

Trump funnelled money from donors into private business after election loss, report finds

Posted by P_a_s_g_i_t_24

  1. No shit. He also closed his DC usps Hotel because the foreign money faucet got turned off once he left office!

  2. Who is the mega guy who was proclaiming that we should have public executions for corruption?

  3. whaaaaaaaat. Yeah everybody expected that. Everybody got so accustomed to him breaking the law and doing bad stuff, that nobody can keep up. He will just to the next insane thing to distract from the last . He perfected that strategy. It’s up to the government to uphold the law.

  4. Trump has been at it for a decade and has been conning and criming his entire miserable and wretched existence. This is not news, just further failings of our justice system. (Or rather injustice!)

  5. I heard it was to fund a study on how to prevent boat battery electrocutions in case of sinking in shark infested waters.

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