German Brutality

German Brutality

by Vinidante

  1. Bro thinks being proud about sitting in a cuck chair makes him a patriot. A true patriot gets tears in his eyes and goose bumps, when he hears and sings along the national anthem (I’m a strong what the sigma or something like that)

  2. What have we done to Hans in this sub? He really starts to hate himself now, they even start to bash their own. Is this how WW2 started?

  3. No self respecting Prussian would ever pick up the litter of his ‘fellow citizen’ (read: lessers). Instead, he pursues the perpetrator, or nearest suspicious fellow, on bike, ringing the bell constantly while shouting “HALLO! HAAAALLLOOOOOO!!!” and gesturing violently at the object in question.

  4. Jens doesn’t seem to understand that he has no love of “German-ness”. He’s describing financial policies and basic etiquette.

  5. “patriotism is when model 304 of tax payment”

    Not a single soldier ever went to war thinking of taxes or state budgets.

    Nations are greater than their state, welfare, etc.

  6. Germans like this guy show their patriotism by farting in their hollow hand and taking a deep whiff of it whenever the occasion arises. You can see that he was high on his own supply when he wrote this cringy as fuck post that fills me with Fremdscham.

  7. Call that cringe or embarrassing bur that *is* patriotism. In Italy we sing the hymn at soccer games and then we go home, back to shitting on our disgraced Republic and corrupted institutions, back to not voting or voting what might benefit our small social group, back to hating each other from region to region, and so on.

  8. voting for higher taxes for yourself instead of the rich or mega corporations is peak german cuck behaviour

  9. This isn’t a German being brutal, it’s a German telling the truth but of course, some people aren’t good at dealing with the truth.

  10. Just because Hans likes to let other men fornicate with his wife, doesn’t mean that all husbands in his country must do so by law.

  11. In Germany, we vote for higher taxes and increased regulations to make our country uncompetitive, and then whine about fairness when companies move elsewhere or use the law to pay less taxes. We vote for letting millions of immigrants in, contrary to EU laws, so that they can drain our social system and tax dollars, without even fingerprinting then when they cross the border

    We let infrastructure corrode so trains are late and fail, we claim to be progressive while consistently being arch conservatives and fighting tooth and nail to avoid the future, from non-traditional marriage to fax machines.

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