Südkoreanisches Militär entfernt Tausende in China hergestellte Kameras aus Stützpunkten

Südkoreanisches Militär entfernt Tausende in China hergestellte Kameras aus Stützpunkten


  1. SEOUL – South Korea’s military recently removed about 1,300 Chinese-made surveillance cameras installed at its bases, concerned about potential security risks, Yonhap news agency reported on Sept 13, citing an unnamed military official.

    The cameras were designed to be connected to a specific server in China, but no actual data was leaked, Yonhap said.

    These were supplied by a South Korean company, with their Chinese origin determined during equipment inspections earlier in 2024, the report cited the official as saying.

    The cameras were not used for guard operations such as along the heavily fortified demilitarised zone between the two Koreas, but for monitoring training groups and perimeter fences at bases, the report said.

    South Korea’s Defence Ministry said on Sept 13 it is in the process of collecting the foreign-made cameras and replacing them with others. The ministry declined to confirm where the cameras were made.

  2. >These were supplied by a South Korean company, with their Chinese origin determined during equipment inspections earlier in 2024, the report cited the official as saying.

    Looks like it was an existing policy, the supplier just supplied them fraudulently. Luckily for Korea they have plenty of domestic suppliers.

  3. It should amaze me, but sadly it doesn’t, to see how many countries were happy to compromise some fairly obvious national security concerns to save a small amount of cash.

  4. Perhaps a more sensible strategy would be to gain root access to the shell to ensure you know exactly what they can and can’t do and leave them up as honeypots.

    If China want to access them for covert operations it’s better to know they’re coming….

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