A former Russian convict revealed recruits get only 3 weeks training before deployment. Assigned as a UAV operator, but upon arrival in Vovchansk, he didn’t operate drones; instead, he found himself fleeing from them. He’d prefer 10 more years in prison over returning to what he described as “hell.

A former Russian convict revealed recruits get only 3 weeks training before deployment. Assigned as a UAV operator, but upon arrival in Vovchansk, he didn’t operate drones; instead, he found himself fleeing from them. He’d prefer 10 more years in prison over returning to what he described as “hell.

by BigDeckBob

  1. How much time use western armies for basic training? What skills can you realistically teach a man in three weeks? I mean to be halfway useful out in the field?

  2. I think it’s safe to asume Private Meatwaveovitch here has ever made a right decision in his life. His now painfully obviously very short life.

    I can’t imagine he will get many opportunities to start now – surrendering from Vovchansk might be a tiny bit over his capabilities.

  3. Ya know instead of bitching about it, how about doing something about the problem. Turning on your superiors might be a good start…..

  4. After all this experience it still eludes him a Russian UAV operator is to deplete Ukrainian stocks.
    He even forsook his duty and ran from the drone. Goodluck chap, getting chained to a tree during autumn.

  5. The way this kid stares off in the distance, he’s seen some bad shit. Barely looks old enough to shave. Another sucker for the hollow promises the grand adventure “SMO” offers.

  6. “I was promised that I get to kill others with drones but now others are trying to kill me with drones, I don’t like it” much sad, such pitty

    realistic display of average population though

  7. Critical thinking is not wasted on these cavemen. Often they critique their leadership’s incompetence, but they don’t dare to stand up against it or realize they’re just exposable meatbags and we know that their videos barely make it to Russian citizens due to censorship and propaganda. Their “thinking” only starts when they’re at the front lines. On top of that, he still signed up to join the war/”SMO”, so he knew he would face up against Ukrainians one way or another. No sympathy from me, we’ll probably see him in a next NSFW compilation video.

  8. Oh, just so i understand: his plan was to hunt down Ukrainians in Ukraine with flying death machines and now he is sad to be on the receiving end? My sympathy is limited.

  9. So you were ok with trying to kill Ukrainians with a drone, but now you’re having second thoughts because you’re put on the front line? Yeah I’ve got no sympathy for you. Hopefully this video is seen by Russian citizens, so they can see a bit of reality at least

  10. The look of a young man who realizes that his death is imminent. But he choose to kill Ukrainians in exchange for a shorter sentence, so my sympathies for him is zero.

  11. This should be shared all across Russia broadcast TV to show Russians the shit they’re in… 🤦‍♂️

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