Huw Edwards: Former BBC presenter given suspended sentence over indecent images of children

Huw Edwards: Former BBC presenter given suspended sentence over indecent images of children

by topotaul

  1. What a joke, no justice for those poor kids. These crimes will continue if we don’t set examples of people like this. Mental health should not be an excuse for these types of crimes.

  2. I assume the fact that he didn’t produce them or send them factored into the sentence (details are still light right now in the article).

    Still not blocking the sender and reporting them to the police immediately is awful and deserves some actual prison time.

  3. Hopefully he has pissed all his cash away and can’t just go silently in to a luxury late life.

    Poor kids robbed of justice.

  4. Not even unpaid work. A couple of “treatment” sessions and as long as he’s smart enough to not get caught again and he’s off with absolutely no punishment.

  5. There’s people who posted very bad stuff on Facebook during the riots who got 21 month prison sentences lol what the fuck even in this country anymore when self confessed nonces walk free?

  6. Before anyone starts saying “a normal person would be in prison” – no they wouldn’t. Possession of indecent images normally results in a suspended sentence. Edwards has got a standard sentence.

  7. An expected sentence given the circumstances: first offence, few images, no distribution, and what appears to be genuine remorse. He threw away all that he had and for what, a few pictures he didn’t even seem to have much interest in.

    I hope he sorts out whatever is going on with him and he stays away from anything tempting online. We’ll likely never hear about him again. And hopefully not.

  8. He should have got a harsher sentence.

    But it isn’t the judge’s fault. For a first offence of this kind he was unlikely to get a custodial sentence. Especially when the prisons are full.

  9. I swear the live coverage of this right now is disgraceful. Sp many reporters seem to be making excuses for him. Lamenting how dangerous it would be for him to receive a custodial sentence, celebrating his remorse, fearing for his mental state and mourning the loss of his marriage.

    One even went as far as to say he would “love to sit down with him and get his side of the story”

    Only occasional mention of the victims and the harm his offending has done. Shocking stuff.

  10. So he just escapes with his millions, while kids continue to be raped all for the pleasure of cunts like him?

    Fucking stinks!

  11. There was a local lad who got 4 years for similar offence…and the consensus around here was that was soft, as nobody was made aware of him until his first court appearance and he had spent the previous year and a bit (since arrest!) in local groups where young kids were present.

    That sticks in the throat. This just beggars belief.

  12. Oh to be rich and famous, be able to get away with anything and not have to take accountability for my actions.


  13. Not surprising on a “leftist” echo-chamber quite a few comments defending the sentencing for this type of behaviour.

  14. It astounds me that someone whos probably covered 100s of stories like this thought he would get away with it? Some way it’s like addiction, so maybe he couldn’t help himself?

  15. Apparently his ‘relationship’ with the guy who sent him the photos (of which he admitted to having 41 images) lasted over a period of 4 years. The only evidence available was their exchanges on WhatsApp.
    That’s the only evidence the Chief Magistrate could base his sentencing on.
    It’s infuriating. What must be lovely is to have the money to pay a KC to represent you – a luxury most of us could not afford ever.
    I didn’t think he’d see the inside of a jail cell.
    Those poor children abused so he and other creeps like him could enjoy their degradation have my sincere sorrow in that they are the only ones who have been damaged forever.
    The brass neck of his claiming ‘mental health issues’ is cynical as it is shocking.
    So here’s how you do it:

    1) Have lots of money to pay for expensive legal representation. ✔️
    2) Say you can’t remember a darn thing. ✔️
    3) Say you’re suicidal. ✔️
    4) Say you had a domineering father. ✔️
    5) Say you found lockdown really hard. ✔️
    6) Say you’re really sorry. ✔️
    7) Produce an expensive report from a psycho-sexual expert that impresses the Beak. ✔️
    8) Say you didn’t pay for the p*rn; you merely gave the supplier of it money for ‘gifts’ ✔️
    9) Job done!✔️

  16. Not really surprised given the guy who actually sent him the images also got a suspended sentence and he had far more of them. The sentencing for paedophiles is a joke.

  17. No surprise there.

    Dig a few coins up though and you’ll get over 10 years. What a fucking joke this country is turning into.

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