Pro-Russian propaganda appears on billboards in Italy

Pro-Russian propaganda appears on billboards in Italy

by CompetitiveNovel8990

  1. Italians are like the crazy uncle of Europe. They are great to be around and make things fun but also have a craziness that no one can explain.

  2. ruzzians still got lots of money. Money can buy anything. Our goal would be to deprive ruzzians of money, for that we need some real sanctions and not that joke we got now.

  3. This propaganda is probably done by some Telegram groups on the paychecks of the Kremlin… there are few of them in Rome and other city aiming at spreading Russia propaganda, they basically have to spread fake information about the war and what happened in the occupied regions. Most of these groups are either owned by italian citizens with double nationality (Russian + Italian) supported by italian journalist or by radical minority italian communist still present in italy.

    I am not surprised this billboard is in Rome, hope it will be removed.

  4. Also explains why recently I’ve been seeing a lot of ‘Italians’ talking about how they want Italy to be neutral but the big bad US/UK/EU keeps forcing them to side with Ukraine.

  5. lol, making a parallel between Ukraine *and Israel*. Logic not the forte of those people, or at least they know it’s not a distinctive feature of their intended audience.

    Anyway: who the fuck ok’d those billboards?! I mean, it’s not even a first! “Funding for these billboards was provided by associations that had previously opposed COVID-19 restrictions.”

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