Claim that new Scottish law will jail people for misgendering is False

Claim that new Scottish law will jail people for misgendering is False

by _feministkilljoy

  1. How many folk have ended up in that pronoun prison in Canada that Jordan Peterson was warning everyone about?

  2. The key part is probably:

    >However, for a crime to be committed linked to hatred against transgender identity […]

    >A person’s behaviour would need to be reasonably considered “threatening or abusive” for a crime to be committed, rather than simply insulting.

    >Misgendering would only be considered a hate crime if it was done in a way that a “reasonable person would consider to be threatening or abusive” and was “intended to stir up hatred against a group of persons”.

    There have been and will continue to be stories where someone claims they are being prosecuted ‘simply for saying sex was real’. In most cases, that coverage skips over that they were allegedly engaging in other criminalised behaviour, like harassment, abuse, or breach of the peace, and the ‘simply saying sex was real’ part is because the target of that behaviour was trans, or the content of the behaviour is judged transphobic.

  3. elon musk is a bam. He’s the bammiest bam that has ever bammed

    Every day another stupid picture of his bam face intrudes on my internet experience, cos he’s come out with another middle aged bam opinion, and millions of other bams gush over it.

    Imagine being such a bam that you waste $30billion egirl pesos of Saudi Prince Stabby bin Salmans money to buy a website so you can make society worse and more hostile to your estranged children, through being a turbobam to a global audience of bams.

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