It’s MatchDay for Manchester City versus Premier League!

It’s MatchDay for Manchester City versus Premier League!

by Dry-Double-6845

  1. I quite Mourinho when he commented on the fine by uefa.

    “The punishment is a scandal. If they are guilty, the fine is a scandal. If they are not guilty, the fine is a scandal”.

  2. It all for the show

    I don’t think the PL has clear cut evidence and City if there are any wont provide them obviously as it’s not up to the accused party to incriminate themselves

    It will end with some sort of settlement of both parties paying legal fees and agreeing to not going public.

  3. If there’s any justice in the world then they should be docked points this season and the last one.

  4. Do think they will be found guilty as (however powerful city are) everyone needs to remember that their are 19 other PL teams most likely breathing down the FAs necks. That being said though I reckon it’ll be something like a 20-25 point deduction that will mean they don’t win the league but still get Europe and are back at it next season. Maybe also some symbolic “stripping of titles” that no one ever really counts as City not winning those leagues.

    Biggest looming issue is the Pep departure and I think that will be what brings city back down to earth so to speak, but doubt this 115 thing will go far

  5. They need to be relegated, the entire club success was built on a lie. Inflated sponsorship fees, under the table payouts etc. The appropriate punishment should be relegation to the third tier of football and their ‘owners’ removed. No state ownership of football clubs. It’s not fair to anyone in the league, it’s legalized cheating

  6. If they televised it would end in a cut to black like in the sopranos meaning we never know for sure what happened

  7. As the charges date back a long time they should potentially be stripped of previous titles. Deductions should apply to the specific seasons the rules were breached in.

  8. Nothing to see or expect here- slap on the wrist for sure. Imagine their fans still coming out of all this ado and thinking their achievements are all clean.

  9. Heard Premier league have already messed up and showed fake documents as evidence with City’s lawyers have made a mockery of. So it’s going well lol

  10. Realistically what should happen is what happened to Glasgow Rangers, be stripped of everything, the club be dissolved and someone new allowed to buy the club name etc. They should start from the bottom again.

    What will actually happen is some meaningless fine that will make a mockery of the league.

  11. I’m going to guess a 20 point deduction for this season for the few charges they end up making stick

  12. Watch this amount to nothing and City get off with a slap on the wrist while the Premier League reserves the serious FFP allegation punishments for literally every other club.

  13. I will be surprised if they are punished. City is the poster boy of EPL.Questioning the scores of the best students of your school is like questioning the credibility of the school.
    They will get away..

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