Bought these on a whim. They’re actually pretty good.

A lot of times these sorts of flavour combinations are pretty bland. These actually do almost taste like a cheese toastie with beans. I definitely recommend giving them a try!

by TimeForHugs

  1. I thought these were awful. There’s a really sickly artificial flavour to them. The sausage sandwich ones are alright. The baked beans one is disgusting.

  2. If you want to try something different, Morrisons sell Japanese crips, the pickled sweet and sour plum is lovely

  3. my other half, who is a big fan of crisps, cheese on toast, and heinz baked beans, says they are absolutely rank.

  4. Now I’ve just had my problem teeth removed today.. Wait to heal and I can get back to my crisps.. These are making me want them now.. Like right now.. Also some other flavours that’s been mentioned in comments are making me very hungry! Mash potato ere I come

  5. I thought these were disgusting, the sausage was were enjoyable the chicken mayo were average but I’d never buy any of them again

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