Putin befiehlt der russischen Armee, ihre Truppenstärke um 180.000 zu erhöhen

Putin befiehlt der russischen Armee, ihre Truppenstärke um 180.000 zu erhöhen


  1. And I’m ordering my bank account to increase with 180K EUR. I guess we both have equal chance to succeed.

  2. In November they can recruit the Americans that worship Putin and Russia. Just tell them Ukrainians are brown and are eating dogs, they won’t bother to check facts.

  3. Easy: just go through tik tok and find all those proud, young, Z-loving Russian influencers that were so pro-invasion 400 days ago.

  4. Only way to do that is to draft the youngins, women and kidnapped people at the border for forced conscription. You can’t reproduce those losses in a few months.

  5. Oh look… Russia trying to rid itself of more “undesirables”. Aka anyone not living in Moscow or St. Petersberg. Fuck Russia.

  6. 180K with no experience and are ready to be thrown in the meat grinder.

    People in Russia really need to step up and speak.

  7. Hang on. I order my bank account to increase balance by 180K.

    It’s not working? What do you mean the balance has to come from somewhere?

  8. “We will send meat-waves until the enemy is defeated” -Russia’s only known military strategy in 1,000 years.

  9. Russia can’t properly train and supply the troops they have right now. The Russian troops will just end up as more fertilizer.

  10. I wonder how quickly the recently released POW’s were sent back to the front lines. Putin genuinely doesn’t value anything but himself.

  11. Makes me think of the nazis last moments when allies discovered they were fighting against babies. Very sad

  12. I can just see it now, jowls flapping, red faced, balding, screaming at his yes men “More! Find me more peasants! Throw them like grains of rice, I don’t care how many of them die for my glory!”

  13. “The one with the rifle shoots! The one without, follows him! When the one with the rifle gets killed, the one who is following picks up the rifle and shoots!”

  14. I would suggest to reduce the ruling class of russia to 0. 0 Oligarchs, 0 Billionaires, 0 Rulers. Then built up a true democracy.
    You are free to take all their wealth to compensate for the ukranian and russian losses and for reparations.
    Feel free to do with them abd their relatives what you want

  15. There you go, mothers of Russia, Putin needs to murder another generation of your sons to prove that he’s a tough guy. The TV told you it’s okay, so you’re all okay with that, right?

  16. They’re losing over 1000 troops a day. 180K will not last long whatsoever, it’s a literal meat grinder.

  17. Next time Russia collapses we need to split it up amongst its constituent ethnic nations. We should have helped Chechnya, but theres always a next time when it comes to Russia and collapsing.

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