Ukrainian Soldiers Warn of Coup if Peace Deal with Russia Is Made

Ukrainian Soldiers Warn of Coup if Peace Deal with Russia Is Made

by MysticCallie

  1. Ah yes let’s throw “unstable self destructive Ukraine” into the pot and lets see how Sullivan, Scholz and the other pussyfooting cronies deal with that.

  2. While I have no doubt that many in the Ukrainian armed forces won’t be exactly thrilled at the prospect of a peace treaty requiring that the country gives up part of it’s territory/ it’s euroatlantic aspirations or both using the opinion of literally two or three soldiers as “proof of the potential of a coup in Ukraine ” is sus at best.

    At the very minimum articles like this end up fueling the rhetoric around Ukraine being “unstable ” and not a “real democracy ” .

  3. As much as I support Ukraine and want them to succeed in pushing Russia off their land, it’s the same “sunk cost” fallacy that Russia can use to justify their continued invasion.

    Reporting a few individual’s comments shouldn’t really be considered news.

  4. Only one deal!
    Russia pulls back and respects the 1991 borders.
    Russia pays reparations to Ukraine
    Putin is arrested and handed to the ICC to stand trial for his crimes.

  5. Any “peace” deal with Russia will only lead to another war in 3-5 years after Russia rearms. The West is delusional if it thinks Russia can be appeased or will stick to the letter of ANY treaty. Russians view treaties as a way of duping their adversaries, allowing them to gain an advantage. Nothing more. It’s been so for hundreds of years and will not change in our lifetime unfortunately.

  6. Even if coup doesn’t happen if peace means giving up land, any politician will get booted out of office so fast their head will spin. At a minimum. Most probably would be considered like Yanik as traitors

  7. Bringing peace will buy time for them to build up weapons and soldiers to take on Russia in a few years… Seems like the smarter play. Why fight a war with pieced together arms, and soldiers lacking good training.
    Russia can send millions more meat waves, why not build up for it all? Get that NATO arms and training so in 2 years you can take back the entire country?

  8. The only way any land contrition works is to establish a DMZ and man it with NATO forces. Otherwise you’re going to have a new invasion in a few years.

  9. Peace would only be Russia gives everything back to Ukraine, pays for rebuilding towns and cities, pays for support for families that were destroyed by the war and everything else. Putin also needs to be executed.

  10. Making any deal with Russia sounds unimaginable. Was anyone calling for Soviets or Allies to make a deal with Nazis in 1941?

  11. I’d also guess they are concerned that those pushing a peace deal are also most likely to allow Putin to conduct a political takeover, filling the Ukrainian government’s ranks back up with pro-Kremlin traitors.

    There won’t be any amnesty for soldiers who fought to maintain Ukrainian independence if the government falls into ruSSian hands.

  12. These guys have seen russian war crimes in person, and I’m sure many of them know or are related to victims. I don’t think I’d want peace either, until every russian soldier is dead.

  13. IMHO a peace deal with ruzzia can only be somewhat accepted if Ukraine joins NATO ASAP. Will that be a reasoable treade-off?

    But with current dumb NATO rules, will that ever happen? NATO needs a complete reboot. With Hungary being kicked out right away. Sure as hell they will claim to be neutral if Romania is attacked. So much for unity.

  14. This article is targeted to make Ukraine seem like there is destabilization between their government and military which is information warfare by Russia. No shit… Ukrainians have lost too much to ever accept Russian occupation and the load of shit that comes with it.
    But WTF, Ukrainians are fighting to continue to be a democracy, not take power from a democraticly elected government.
    Seriously people… please use critical thinking when reading these articles and call them out for the inflammatory BS they are.

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