German friends, is this vitamin brand good?

I'm having a military training course for the next 3 weeks so I feel like I would have to buy some vitamin and mineral supplements since the food variety and quality in those places are pretty questionable.
So I stumbled upon this german vitamin brand called Mivolis DM, which specializes in vitamin tablet tubes like this image below.
The thing I like about Mivolis DM is that their products are incredibly cheap, and they also sell their products in 20-serving tubes, which is exactly what I need.
Any thoughts on this? Any help/recommendation is greatly appreciated.

by rinde12366

  1. Are you that brainwashed by the supplement industry that you think the vitamins in this are somehow better or worse than in other brands? 😅

  2. It’s decent quality, but as unnecessary as pretty much any other vitamin supplement for most people.

  3. I’ve been using their magnesium tablets for a while and they certainly don’t do me any harm. Worth a try, especially at the comparatively good price.

  4. As good as any. They vary on the dosage, but almost all brands include enough for your daily recommendation.

  5. DM is probably the largest drug store in Germany and this is their own brand, so yeah it’s fine.

    In general effervescent tablets contain a lot of salt. Normal pills are much better.

  6. Better not take supplements if your medical professional did not advise so or without a good reason. Know that for example cancer cells or in general defective cells in our body sometimes profit the most from abundant vitamins etc.

  7. Not sure you actually need them, but you won’t do anything wrong with them. Be aware though the taste is not that great. I think the daily dose is two or three of those. Better though than some other brands which contain 300% of your daily dose per serving

  8. Yea. I’ve been taking their omega 3 pills and it has helped a lot with my dry eyes issue. I love dm and everything on it!! Going there tomorrow before I travel back home

  9. Usually there is the more expensive known brand and then there is the cheaper “house brand”. Pretty much every shop, from discounter to drugstore to supermarket, follow that system. The house brand products are pretty much the same standard as the real brand only cheaper, its the same quality more or less. Sometimes its even exact the same product, bought by the discounter from the brand itsself who has had an over-production, they re-label it and sell it cheaper, but it IS in fact the same. There’s a website containing them brand-twins you can google, this just on a sidenote.
    What you got is the house brand of DM, its reliably good since they all are the same standard. Go for it. No need to pay dbl or triple the price for a known name on it imo.
    We are not a nation who believes much in them supplements, but what i do if i feel i need a certain vit or supplement like iron or magnesium: i compare how much of it is in 1 pill, how many pills are in the box and what is the best price for it.
    Them Multivits you got are fine as they come tho, no need to compare much.

  10. The rules in the EU for things that end up in or on your body are pretty strict, so there is hardly anything that can go wrong if you are healthy otherwise, not overdosing and not taking any other meds.
    Basically that’s a cheap brand, widely available and everything you can buy at dm should do the job. Of course there are various products with different compositions, which might be more or less suitable for your needs – but hey, this will very likely have you covered and prevent shortages.

    However: check Vitamin D. We lack sunlight here in cold months and this causes a vitamin D shortage in many people. Pills against it are sold in every pharmacy and honestly this would be my bigger concern than the food.

    In pharmacies you can also buy magnesium, which helps with sore muscles. Could help you as well, if you are doing a lot of physical training. 🙂

  11. Depends. With some supplements it doesn’t really matter (e.g. Vitamin D3 being Vitamin D3, no matter what), whereas with e.g. magnesium the specific chemical form (what other substance the Magnesium is bound to chemically) has a massive influence on the bioavailability. The cheaper magnesium supplements (frequently magnesium oxide) are basically useless.

  12. Have a look on the Incredibles. Mostly all is the same in magnesium and for example vitamin a-z contains the same as magnesium “only”

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