Trump to Marine Gen. John Kelly: “Well, but Hitler did some good things. He rebuilt the economy.” Kelly to Trump: “Sir, you can never say anything good about the guy. Nothing.” Trump: “But he had big crowds, just like mine.”

Trump to Marine Gen. John Kelly: “Well, but Hitler did some good things. He rebuilt the economy.” Kelly to Trump: “Sir, you can never say anything good about the guy. Nothing.” Trump: “But he had big crowds, just like mine.”

Posted by V1RotatePropulsion

  1. I am European, and it is so scary that even if i am following this American elections, I can’t separate satire from reality 😬

  2. Ah yes, more Hitler talk day after a second assassination attempt.

    You’ve shown me exactly who you are inside.

  3. Hitler’s economy was a fraud. Part of the reason he needed to invade Europe was to take by force resources that Germany failed to procure due to their poor economy and insane self reliance policies.

  4. Wasn’t sure if this was true. Looked it up. Apparently it is. (At least, it’s true according to his former chief of staff.)

    But i also noticed something odd. Almost all of the articles about this quote are from March 11-13th 2024. (There were several older articles, but it didn’t really boil over until 2024)

    It’s so strange that a former president praising Hitler was only newsworthy for a couple news cycles.

  5. I like how the people who make these kinds of excuses for a man who murdered so many skip on a lot of in between details. Sure he helped the German economy, all while murdering the people who helped him get his political position, while already planning to do a genocide. Look further into it and you find Hitler never had good intentions and anything “good” he did was just a tool or a front to get what he wanted.

  6. Hey, DonOld… The kids had a day off from school because he was in town… The adults were bussed in… And PAID.

    When did You last Pay your crowds?

  7. Bit of a tangent, but I tie it up at the end.

    During economic down turns conservative “thinkers” will hit the airwaves to argue that government spending doesn’t shorten recessions or more severe setbacks. I’ve heard them say that government jobs aren’t real jobs, as if they don’t put food on the table like any other pay check.

    A “thinker” will claim that FDR and liberal programs didn’t shorten the depression and it was the second world war that got the economy back on track.

    So, first off, the second world war was the largest instance of government spending in history. So much for that.

    And second, I’ve heard them point out that Germany came out of the depression faster than any European nation and they weren’t a liberal democracy run by crazy commie liberals like FDR. Ignoring the fact that it came out of the depression on a frenzy of government spending on roads, industrial upgrades and military programs.

    Also, Hitler’s generals tried to kill him more than once, but you can’t say anything nice about them either.

  8. If you don’t speak German, you should really go listen to a Hitler speech in your language. It’s shocking how similar it is to Trump. You could substitute “Jewish problem” for “illegals” and they’re the same person.

  9. Everyone wants to move to America for our freedoms, health care, education, school & mall shootings & our racist & genocidal history .

  10. What’s crazy is there are plenty of figures through history that have big crowds that weren’t LITERAL Nazis. The Beatles, Mohammed Ali, The Queen of England, Tom Brady, but he doesn’t envy them because of that one pesky little fact that they are not Nazis.

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