John Roberts is as Corrupt as Clarence Thomas And Sam Alito, New Leaked Memo Reveals

John Roberts is as Corrupt as Clarence Thomas And Sam Alito, New Leaked Memo Reveals

John Roberts is as Corrupt as Clarence Thomas And Sam Alito, New Leaked Memo Reveals

Posted by inewser

  1. What’s corrupt about any of that? Pushing the majority opinion through is usually how it’s done. And if he didn’t take over the case from Alito after they accused Alito of having flags in his yard, the same people would be saying he should’ve given the case to someone else.

  2. He’s literally the father of citizens united. It’s not really shocking. What kind of person thinks that unlimited cash to elections is free speech?

  3. You have the evidence, start the investigation and file charges .
    Get these corrupt justices out of the courtroom!!

  4. The Constitution only requires an impeachment trial by the Senate where 2/3 of the Senators find him guilty. There is nothing there that says these traitors can’t be indicted of crimes, convicted, and sentenced to prison.

  5. Our SCOTUS is so corrupt we need to scrap it and start again. There are 3 excellent justices. They can be spared since afawk they haven’t broken their oath to The Constitution. One of them could be elevated to Chief Justice. The other 6 broke their oaths and perjured themselves in they’re confirmation hearings. Congress needs to act on this. Today’s SCOTUS is embarrassing. You can’t argue in front of bent judges. Doesn’t work.

  6. John Roberts was part of the “Brooks Brothers Riot” in 2000 that stopped the voting in Florida so SCOTUS could install Bush as president. That opened the door to J6. Roberts is a mole.

  7. The amount of corruption in the “Supreme” Court is astonishing. Yet, tune into MSM……..crickets.

  8. The whole country needs to fucking march on the Supreme Courthouse and demand that these fuckers resign.

  9. The decision on Citizens United and the recent one on Immunity (on the last day of the session before Roberts and his radical right wing cohort scurry outta town…) are the worst SCOTUS rulings since Plessy vs. Ferguson.

  10. MMW’s time will not be kind to Justice Roberts and others like him.

    Get Kamala elected, take the house take, take the senate and introduce rules / guidelines for the SCOTUS. They also need term limits. Lifetime is BS.

  11. Sad but so true, these men have no conscience or moral fortitude.
    They have no semblance of ethics. Their only interest in the power of the office, along with the accolades and financial gains they can accumulate. Using their sadistic influence over others, including powerful billionaire’s…

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