If Trump loses North Carolina, it could be an early night — and curtains for GOP

If Trump loses North Carolina, it could be an early night — and curtains for GOP


Posted by Cute-Perception2335

  1. It will be an early night, but a loooooong rest of the year as the Democrats will have to fight with bad faith election board representatives refusing to certify the election.

  2. If Trump loses North Carolina, strap in. The second it looks like they might lose NC – any swing state, really – the Republican spin machine and the Trump propaganda machine are going into overdrive. We’ll be lucky to make it through the night without bursts of political violence, and we’ll be left hoping that luck holds through January 20.

  3. Florida will get its results in first. If the Democrat wins the Senate race down there – and it’s a big “if” – the GOP is fucked

  4. I’m from NC and I intend on trying to make this happen. I’m not just voting for Harris, I also want to keep the violent nut bag the GQP has running for governor out of office.

  5. The election seems close to many, but I’m pretty sure we won’t have to stay up too late before we know who won.

  6. Yeah, except that it doesn’t really matter how badly Trump loses, he and MAGA still going to try to steal the election just as hard.

  7. At the rate (of the Haitian springfield allegations) I think Ohio might be back in play too, if it keeps getting worse over there

  8. With the black uber-MAGA Nazi Mark Robinson running for governor, I would say North Carolina has a good shot at going Democratic.

  9. I’m in NC, and I’m doing the “postcards for swing states” program. My wife and I have a stack of 500 postcards and an address list. Most nights we sit down and hand write out a message begging the person to get out, vote Blue, and encourage their friends and family to do likewise. They go into the mail mid-October.

  10. The fact that this class is still polling the way he is astounded. How can anyone consider voting for someone as stupid, demented and functionally incapable of any cognitive thought.

  11. Ignore all “news” articles about a blue victory and go out and vote. They are counting on apathy.

  12. Remember, early voting and mail-in ballots are a thing if you can’t make it to a polling place on Election Day, or lack the transportation to get there.

  13. Vote Blue and make sure he is never in office again, that will be the end of our democracy and country,

  14. And assuming people get out and actually vote, I predict the only swing state Trump will win is Georgia. I think he loses North Carolina this election. The safe bet is saying those are the only two flips of the election, but I also have a hunch that Texas may go for Kamala, as well as kicking Cancun Cruz out of office.

  15. Cut to every republican with any pull in NC googling ways to further gerrymander and disenfranchise votes from locations that aren’t going to vote for Trump,.

  16. Come on NC!!!!

    Let’s pull that curtain for an early end to this election

    I’ll be celebrating

  17. Harris is up 0.2% based on 7 polls in NC through 9/13. (47.3 – 47.1)

    As new polls come out, I expect the lead will rise. God willing.

  18. I’d love to see her take NC, but am very skeptical. And if she does, i could see it being close enough that it isnt called on election night. A lot of polls had Biden winning in NC in 2020, and he lost by almost 2%.

  19. To anybody else in the Tar Heel State, remember you can vote early as of October 17th in person and would HIGHLY recommend doing it in person vs mail in with the RFK jr controversy

  20. Nice to think about, but due to all the interference with mail in ballots being sent out late, it’s gonna be interesting.

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