Arriving tomorrow :) How long would these last in your house?

Arriving tomorrow 🙂 How long would these last in your house?

by Fried_onions_are_meh

  1. Commenting from Colorado : my god, these look interesting. How accurate are the flavours?

  2. Maybe an hour… That’s just by myself😂.. these and the bacon fries are top tier snacking🤤🤤

  3. 24 packs? 24 minutes

    Edit, if I got my Spanish stepdaughter on the case as well I could half it to 12 minutes. She never had anything like it until I introduced her to them, she tipped the bag out into her hand and hoovered them up. She said she had never had anything like it and the mere mention of them, her ears prick up!

  4. I know I’m on the unpopular side of the opinion fence here, but these are my least favourite pub snack and this photo alone made me gag a little. That smell is not easily forgotten… 🙁

    Nevertheless, I hope these gross little bags bring you joy.

  5. Just me, or my whole family? Whole family would be like pour them all in a big bowl and 5 minutes. Me? Maybe half an hour.

  6. I absolutely love Scampi Fries, and since I moved to the US they’re so hard to find.

    Next time I’m over I’ll have to fill a suitcase with as many bags as I can fit.

  7. A day – I could smash through those without even thinking about it. Where do you get them? Asking for me & definitely not a friend as I don’t share my bags of nuns knickers with anyone!!

  8. I normally buy these in late November, write numbers on them and use them as an advent calendar.

  9. Gone through my second rack in 3 months, have a couple offices in my house that mycousin works 2 days a week at and made “Staffroom/bar”. He ploughs through them.

  10. Depends how many Babychams are in me – as well has how much of Bullseye is left on the telly.

  11. I had a packet of these for the first time in years last week, because my brother in law had also bought this same display. I could eat the whole thing in a few days.

  12. Goddammit…. wanders off to the shop….

    I try to kid myself with the fact that the multi-pack bags are smaller. It doesn’t work.

  13. I used to demolish these things like they were going out of fashion but I went off them as the smell reminds me of an ex 🥴

  14. It really depends on the day. If they came on Monday then I’d have a bag because I’m excited they’ve arrived then save the rest for the weekend when I’ve had a couple beers. If they came on a Tuesday it would be the same story. Wednesday, yeah, the same.

    Thursday, well, I’d probably have a couple bags to go with a beer or two. If they came Friday night then I know 4 or 5 bags are getting eaten that night and my mate would probably have a bag or 2.

    If they arrived Saturday morning then I’d put them up on the wall, invite some mates over for beer and darts and the scampi fries won’t last 5 minutes.

    Ok Sunday, we rest.

  15. I bought this multipack for the first lockdown! Some consolation for not being able to go to the pub…

  16. I got one over a year ago for my birthday when a mate went back home to UK. I asked for a packet and they brought bag the whole display. I still have a couple left, they go stale surprisingly fast.

  17. Huh. Just reminded me I’ve got three in a pack along with the bacon fries. I picked them up last week and haven’t opened them yet.

    They’ve only survived this long because I also had scampi and lemon Nik Naks, which ran out today.

    24 might last a couple of weeks, unless I get a serious craving.

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