Russia’s oil revenue has plunged as global crude prices tumble

Russia’s oil revenue has plunged as global crude prices tumble

by Horsepankake

  1. Summary: Russia’s oil revenue has hit its lowest level in seven months, with crude exports dropping to $1.44 billion in the week ending September 8, down from $1.52 billion the previous week. This decline is driven by falling global oil prices, with Russia’s Urals crude blend down 20% from its spring peak, now at $67.61 per barrel. Russia’s crude shipments to Asia have also dropped by 10% over recent months. Additionally, oil pipeline disruptions to Hungary and weaker demand from Asian customers have affected sales. Russia plans further oil production cuts later in 2024 to stabilize prices.

  2. Pootin feeling the heat, UA did that with just indegenous drones. Imagine if the west wasn’t ruled by cowards.

  3. This could be a very catastrophic event for Putin / Russia economy!

    Russia could go broke if you combine this with huge losses to gas revenue, etc.

    We could be closer than ever to the end of the Ukraine War ….literally!

  4. The best part is that Russia and mostly only Russia is cutting production to keep global prices high. Sacrificing long term market share for short term revenue. We don’t need any more evidence than this to show Russia is in a cash crunch.

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