Seven candidates announced for IOC presidency: Prince Feisal al-Hussein, Lord Coe, Kirsty Coventry, Johan Eliasch, David Lappartient, Juan Antonio Samaranch, Morinari Watanabe

Seven candidates announced for IOC presidency: Prince Feisal al-Hussein, Lord Coe, Kirsty Coventry, Johan Eliasch, David Lappartient, Juan Antonio Samaranch, Morinari Watanabe

Posted by 13nobody

  1. Looking it up: Samaranch was a key player in getting wrestling temporarily removed from the Olympics. No thank you.

    Watanabe is the head of FIG. No thank you.

    Coe and Coventry appear to be the only ones with actual Olympic experience (or at least the only ones who have won medals). I’ll take either of them (though Coe’s 67, so how long will he serve?).

  2. Imagine if Lord Sebastian Coe were become IOC President, he was a 2 time Olympic champion vs Bach who was a one time Olympic Champion in Fencing 1976. He will be introduced as Lord Sebastian Coe Olympic Champion Track and Field 1980 and 1984

  3. Today I learned that there are two Juan Antonio Samaranches, which means I can rest from the brief nightmarish visions of zombie sports administrators/minor Spanish nobles

  4. Okay, well, there are two names I was expecting (Coe, Coventry) one name I was not expecting (Samaranch) and one name that really shouldn’t be there at all (al-Hussein) because I believe that having a member of a Royal Family as IOC president could be a bad thing for international relations

  5. FIG hasn’t done a great job in light of the Paris 2024 women’s floor finals, so I’m hoping Watanabe isn’t getting many votes here.

  6. Heart says Seb, head says al-Hussein will bribe his way in and ruin another sports tournament by putting it in a country it doesn’t belong. 

  7. I wish there was an Australian candidate. The IOC needs a hard nosed anti-PEDs leader who won’t pussyfoot around dictators. The Aussie athletes and coaches DGAF about hurting the feelings of drug cheats or their enabler states.

    For the Olympics to survive and have integrity, the org needs a No-bullsh!t leader.

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