Let’s get it straight people…

Let’s get it straight people…

Posted by Burninator6502

  1. Investigations are underway to find out how he got so close to Trump. Guy was there for 12 hours, he didn’t get close to Trump, Trump got close to him.

  2. Something’s fishy about this story. Suspect never fired his weapon. In fact he didn’t have a weapon when caught.

  3. Wonder how much Mrs Trump III paid for this. Since Loomer is handing out blowies.
    Or was it JD making a press story?

  4. So are the two attempts all the attempts or are there more that didn’t get talked about?

  5. he didn’t fire any shots so for all we know it was just Republicans LARPing in the woods doing typical Republican stuff.

  6. Thoughts and prayers. It’s just a fact of life. This is not the time to politicize. Time to move on.

  7. So I was thinking about this today.

    No serial number on the gun. Guy was charged with possession of a weapon as a felon. From what I’ve seen so far, no one actually saw him with the weapon?

    I think the dumbass is going to go down pretty hard, but I wonder if that will be the argument from his lawyer.

  8. A simple chain link fence protects Mar a Lago? Isn’t Trump supposed to be an expert at building walls?

  9. Look, it was just a guy that wanted to shoot a couple rounds on a golf course.

    I don’t know what the big deal is.

  10. Now is not the time to discuss whether or not this was an assassination attempt. What we need is thoughts and prayers

  11. Super confusing how this man could obtain an assault weapon + ammo?

    Guns = S’RARE in ‘merica

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