Elon Musk Is a National Security Risk

Elon Musk Is a National Security Risk


Posted by DippyHippy420

  1. More on this subject from other reputable sources:

    – Wall Street Journal (B): [Elon Musk Deletes Post Wondering Why No One Was Trying to Assassinate Biden or Harris](https://on.wsj.com/3TwXIdo)
    – Axios (B+): ["Irresponsible": White House slams Musk's comment on Trump assassination attempt](https://www.axios.com/2024/09/16/elon-musk-trump-biden-assassination-attempt)
    – ABC News (B+): [White House condemns ‘irresponsible’ Elon Musk post on assassination attempt](https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/white-house-condemns-irresponsible-elon-musk-post-assassination/story?id=113728678)
    – NBC News (B): [Elon Musk deletes X post about ‘no one’ attempting to assassinate Biden or Harris](https://www.nbcnews.com/tech/elon-musk-deletes-x-post-about-assassination-biden-harris-rcna171260)

    [__Extended Summary__](https://www.reddit.com/r/newswall/comments/1fignc4/) | [FAQ & Grades](https://www.reddit.com/r/newswall/comments/uxgfm5/faq_newswall_bot/) | I’m a bot

  2. He’s just as good at inciting hate and bigotry as DT. Might even be better since it is encouraged on his platform.

  3. He gave Ukraine starlink which allowed them to fight. Putin assassinated any oligarchs outside of Russia that were not loyal. Putin had a conversation with Musk. Ever since then he’s been pushing Russia advantaged positions over the threat of assassination. He’s even hired a platoon of ex special forces bodyguards.

    He’s under threat of death to try to get Trump elected thus ending US help for Ukraine.

    The change was drastic from 2022 on.

  4. When you think about it, Biden and Harris tend to surround themselves with competent people while Trump surrounds himself with…

  5. He’s got government contracts, some of our technical secrets, and can fly to see his pal Putin whenever he wants. What could go wrong?

  6. So by all means allow him to run our space program, own most communication satellites, and have a monopoly on charging stations for EVs.

  7. Other people would be facing charges for his “joke” about assassination. Another billionaire getting another free pass. And the MAGA morons think their interests are aligned with this POS. Such rubes.

  8. Elon has been on a journey….
    Going from ‘Nobody’ to ‘Hero’ to ‘Zero’.
    Or at least that seems to be the present trajectory…

    I had great hopes for Elon, but am progressively getting more and more disappointed due to his far-right clap trap. Some of it I can actually understand, even though my perspective is not the same.

    Elon has become too arrogant in his political views.
    If only he had stuck to the technology.

    I don’t think that giving him a lot more power would be a good idea – there are technologies that he is not yet working on that could do that, and in which is some way he would be the ideal person (tech wise), but the political implications would be significant.
    I am really not sure if we can trust him that much to act in good faith. That is my worry, and why he may not be ready to work on some technical developments, even if they are things that the world really needs.

  9. And water is wet.

    Anyways, any signs of the FBI or Secret Service heavily and thoroughly investigating both Elon’s communications and Twitter’s activity for Russian interference?

  10. What!!!! Just a few years ago everyone wanted to suck his dick now he supports a man that wants the best for America, now you all hate him 😂 you guys are fucking joke

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