What the Republicans want

What the Republicans want

Posted by Sko_ko_dol

  1. I am so used to hearing about gun violence and mass shootings that the first thing i noticed here was the CD for sale on the counter. The one on the right is from Zoey Dechannel’s band called “She and Him” they’re a lot of fun, very light. If you like the early Beatles, you will probably like all her band’s music.

  2. Drop his magazine with the press of a button and watch his brain lock up. This fucker is too stupid to live.

  3. The only thing that can stop a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a double short half-skimmed Frappuccino with no whip.

  4. If the shop got hit right then, whats the over/under that this guy could get that rifle ready by the time he was noticed as an open carry then shot and relieved of it?

  5. Stuff like that doesn’t make people around you feel safer. It makes people around you nervous that you’re a nut bag about to open up on everybody.

    Why? Normal people do not do this.

  6. These are the people upset that someone with a rifle is able to get within a few hundred yards of DonOld Sr., and wonder how it’s possible.

  7. Another fearful coward who’s angry because his wife has been fantasizing about the pool boy.

  8. Well you’ve got to have a great big scope like that when you’re indoors and there’s nothing further than 20 feet from you.

  9. Doesn’t he know you take the short barrel AR-15 for Donuts? The scoped long barrel AR-15s are only for places you need the extra range. Like a Lowe’s.

  10. It’s just crazy to me that in America you are allowed to open carry assault rifles. What are they supposed to be hunting? A moose migration?

  11. Too afraid to enter a coffee shop without an AR and 30 rounds. Seems a pistol wouldn’t show how much he’s afraid to be in public. BUT! Don’t get in the vicinity of tRump wearing that because the republicans will call that an assignation attempt. 😆

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