X users call for Elon Musk to be deported after now-deleted Biden-Kamala assassination ‘joke’

X users call for Elon Musk to be deported after now-deleted Biden-Kamala assassination ‘joke’


Posted by PostHeraldTimes

  1. I wonder what he would think of the article title wording and if he would realize then why renaming Twitter may not have been such a good idea.

  2. He needs to have his companies nationalized he needs to go to jail and then after deported

    If you just deport him he will use starlink to help hostile countries and give them the technology for space x

    Just deporting him will make him that much more hostile to America 

  3. Eat the rich- start with Elon…dumb ass was born on 3rd base and all his life thinks he hit a triple…he’s a loser

  4. I think it would be the right thing to do. He’s a threat to our country. We’ve done more for less.

  5. Sooo, Elon filled his former Twitter now known as X with Trump supporters from Truth Social. Why do people stay in Twitter?

  6. Is Musk a US citizen? If so, he’s not a very good one, but if not, he should be disqualified from ever becoming one, and really, he should booted out.

  7. Out of curiosity…would it be within the purview of a newly elected President to review government contracts with aerospace companies, looking for conflict of interest, manipulation, fraud or criminal activities?

  8. dont deport him, hes on us soil. arrest his ass and treat him as the law would any one of us poors that had done anything like this.

  9. Remember.

    He is a white, super rich IMMIGRANT… who bought his citizenship….

    America made a very bad deal 🤷‍♂️

  10. Been saying it for over a year. This man holds security clearances and government contracts!

    He shut off his satellite internet company to Ukraine in the middle of a counterattack after a call from Putin. He has reinforced hate and division on Twitter, giving all manner of vileness and conspiracy to go unchecked. Even still, he has repeatedly silenced left wing accounts and fact checkers.

    He is a traitor and should have all government subsidies, contracts, and clearances revoked. He should have his naturalization revoked. His companies should be seized, as well as his American assets, and he should be deported to South Africa. Let them deal with him.

  11. All I know is, if Trump loses he’s going to call for violence/insurrection. Elon will call for it on X.

    My HOPE would be that the US government has a plan in place to either take down Twitter and TruthlessSocial, or to detain Musk and possibly Trump for inciting insurrection.

    Obviously that raises 1st Amendment questions, but the government *cannot* stand by and allow an essentially an enemy force to communicate and call for violence/rebellion.

    If nothing else, Biden could say “I have absolute immunity. Do it.”

    If that happens, my bet is Musk and possibly Trump are indicted, and Musk loses X, Starlink, and SpaceX

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