Germany angers European neighbors as it tightens migration along all land borders

Germany angers European neighbors as it tightens migration along all land borders

Posted by SunderedValley

  1. May be too little, too late, but it’s a good sign and it’s possible reason is returning to Europe. Immigration isn’t all it’s cracked up to be. Ask the indigenous Americans and indigenous Australians how that all worked out.

  2. This is the best tl;dr I could make, [original]( reduced by 83%. (I’m a bot)
    > Germany has begun new controls at all of its land borders as part of a crackdown on migration, placing restrictions on a wide area of free movement known as the Schengen Zone and stirring anger among its European neighbors.

    > The move marks how far Germany has shifted in recent years on the flashpoint issue of migration.

    > "The current policy goal of turning back seeking protection at Germany's borders represents a dangerous form of populism in the migration policy debate," a statement said, which called for an "Evidence-based debate on migration policy in Europe.”

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